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The Student Optometric Leadership Network (SOLN) holds an annual conference called the Student Private Practice Leadership Conference to gather optometry students, practicing optometrists, guest speakers, and industry sponsors together in person for three days of learning and connecting focused around private practice optometry. Two representatives, traditionally the outgoing and incoming president, from every optometry school's respective private practice clubs will be invited to attend. Students can learn from other optometry schools' private practice clubs and connect with prospective guest speakers and industry partners to plan education and meetings that they will then bring back to their private practice clubs.

Four SOLN Student Private Practice Leadership Conference attendees, two males and two females, smiling while conversing and networking together.

The Student Private Practice Leadership Conference is an invaluable opportunity for personal growth and provides great opportunities and resources to each school's private practice clubs.


Student Private Practice Leadership Conference group picture of all the attendees - in the parking lot in front of a building.

The 12th annual Student Private Practice Leadership Conference was held in Sacramento, CA on June 15-17, 2023. The conference included a full day spent at the VSP headquarters in Cordova, CA where students were able to tour the VSP corporate office and ophthalmic lens labs.


​See pictures from previous conferences below!

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